I’ve been talking about blogging a top-ten list of Bible verses for a
few years, but hadn’t – until now. After loving responses to Mandisa's
Facebook post asking
people to share their theme or "life" verses, I was inspired to finally
share my list. Yes, I even ranked them – and, in some cases, that was
no small feat! There are countless others that I love, but these are the
ones that currently are most central in my life. At some point I have
memorized each, and they run through my head periodically, in various
situations. Let's count down to number one.
10. 2 Cor. 1: 3-7
This is a newer one for me. God really spoke to me about this passage late last year while listening to
this message
from one my favorite pastors, Miles McPherson from the Rock Church.
Through the passage God convicted me about more intentionally using the
comfort He has given me in my experiences to then comfort others. This
was a different call to me than just being an encouraging person, which
is comfortable for me. Instead, it was going a step further by taking
the time to pointedly - but genuinely - ask people God places around me
how they are doing, and then share how God is working in my life in
ways that comfort them in their situations. Until we die, we will always
be going through some struggle! It’s been amazing how, in living with
these verses in mind, God has opened my eyes to so many spiritual needs
around me that I had previously overlooked.
These verses also have been such a reminder that, as Christians,
comforting others through Him is a big part of why God puts us here! In a
culture where self-promotion has been ingratiated in our lives through
outlets such as social media, we can easily get caught up in making our
lives about our individual pursuits and seeking praise from others, but
God calls us to
be more concerned with others than ourselves.
We shouldn’t waste the experiences and comfort God gives us to navigate
life’s challenges by keeping it all to ourselves and just sharing our
high points. Let’s let God get the glory in all circumstances! As I
contemplate this verse, I’m encouraged to keep at the “comfort” pursuit
for the rest of my life!
9. Philippians 1:6
whole section
of Philippians 1 is my favorite passage for the Body of Christ,
especially for close friends who are believers. I also love verse 6 for
the perspective it gives me for my own life. That God is doing a work in
each believer that He will ultimately finish when we get to heaven
gives me hope about our present and our future, and puts relationship
issues in particular – squabbles, disagreements, personality clashes,
hurts, fears, the list goes on – in the perspective of eternity. Knowing
God is working on each of us gives me the grace to forgive, seek
forgiveness – and grow!
8. Colossians 1:17
If you’ve gotten an email from me, you’ve probably seen this verse in my
signature line. I got this one in Fall 2007 from one of the girls in a
college small group I was leading then. She shared how it gets her
through life. Her testimony – and the verse – really resonated with me
at that point in my life. I was in my last year of law school, trying to
finish my classes strong and prepare for graduation and taking the bar
exam. I also was anxious about what the future held for my career and
other aspects of my life, at times being overwhelmed by all the
possibilities! And that year the financial crisis hit. There was so much
talk about not being able to find a job – I wondered whether the job
offer I had would be rescinded. Yet whenever I remembered Colossians
1:17 – that He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together
– all the chaos did not even matter, because I could rest in the fact
that God is in complete control. The verse has continued to comfort me,
especially in everyday situations – I may feel that I have so many
things to do in one day and not enough time to do them, but I’m reminded
that in Christ, I have everything I need. It encourages me to take a
moment to seek His wisdom even in the most busy situations, knowing that
He is my source and enables me to do my best in all situations.
The whole section of the chapter,
on the supremacy of Christ, is good for that, too! I thank God for
holding it all together so I don’t have to try – and fail – to!
7. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Now we’re getting into my lifers – the verses that have shaped me since childhood. This one’s from second grade.
I’ve blogged about this verse
in a couple entries on giving, so I won’t say too much about it.
Knowing that my Heavenly Father loves a cheerful giver has made me give
without reluctance or compulsion, because giving is not about pleasing
people, but Him. And He so loved us that He gave The Indescribable Gift -
His only Son! I have found the promises from
the whole passage
to be true: when you give with a cheerful heart, God really does take
care of you, and He gets the glory for your giving – what it’s all
about! While true, godly giving doesn’t give to get, God makes promises
to those who sow generously as compared to those who sow sparingly.
There’s nothing better than giving to the praise of the most generous,
loving Father, who can never be “out-given!”
6. 1 Timothy 4:12
I believe I first learned this verse as a song in elementary school that
still plays in my head when I think about it, lol. I’ve shared that
I’ve had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ since I was three or
four years old and truly remember knowing then that my life would be
different because I had met Him. I’ve had the privilege of walking with
Him since. Growing up – and to this day – this verse has really helped
me navigate my faith as a young person. Through hearing this verse
repeated in my context by parents, teachers and youth leaders, I got the
message that I don’t have to be a “grown up” to follow Jesus – I can do
it right where I am, and in every aspect of my life: speech, life (or
conduct), love, faith and purity. In doing so, I am setting an example
for others - the young, old, and somewhere in between. I won’t be young
forever, but I will always be who I am in Christ because of God saving
and shaping me first in my youth. It also encourages me to invest in the
next generation, knowing that they too can commit to serving Christ
5. Hebrews 4:12 / Psalm 19:7-14
Okay, so I know these are two different passages, but, “what had
happened was..." I have these passages that I call “tandem verses”, lol:
in my mind, one verse or passage on one topic is inextricably linked
to the other. Memorizing these verses as a kid helped shape my
understanding of the preeminent power of God’s Word. That it’s living
and active and has the might to shape my every decision – and, in turn,
my entire life – never ceases to amaze me. That means the more I
interact with it – read it, meditate on it, memorize it – I can’t help
but be changed.
One of my mottos (which I came up with long before “there’s an app for
that”, lol) is “there’s a verse for that,” meaning there is literally a
Scripture for every situation in life (which is different from saying
that every life situation is directly addressed in Scripture - what I'm
saying is that there is a principle for approaching every life
situation, even if the situation itself is not directly addressed. I
have never had a life situation where I have not been able to apply
Scripture, either directly or indirectly). I began memorizing Scripture
regularly when I was three or four. As I continued to memorize Scripture
as I grew up, I had no idea how much it would shape my life. When you
allow the Word of God to be written on your heart, through its amazing
power, you find that you can only be different. Yet I believe we sleep
on its power so much! God’s Word really is all that He says it is, and
these verses are a wonderful reminder of how we are transformed by it.
It’s awesome!
4. Jeremiah 29:11 / 1 Corinthians 2:9
Okay, another tandem set. In response to Mandisa’s post requesting
people share their life verses, Jeremiah 29:11 was the number one
response, and for good reason. I too am on the Jeremiah 29:11 – and 1
Corinthians 2: 9 – train, and I believe every Christian should be on it!
Of all the verses on my top ten(ish) list - with the exception of one,
these two verses have meant the most to me over the last few years. I
also memorized them as a child and they resonated with me then, but even
more so now. As the years pass, more of life happens: things
unexpected; some seemingly great, others seemingly not. Yet when I
remember that God’s plans for me are always good – plans to prosper me
and not to harm me, and to give us a hope and a future – and that no eye
has seen, ear heard or mind conceived what God has in store for those
who love Him –
whew, and Amen!– I (and we) can trust that my
Heavenly Father knows what He’s doing and loves me, even when I don’t
understand it. And, further, 1 Corinthians 2:9 reminds me that His plans
for me are not only for this life, but also for heaven, which will be
unimaginably spectacular!
3. Psalm 139:14
This one’s on the list because it’s a Word from God that my mother gave
me when I was still a pup: that I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Because of this verse – and my mother modeling it –I never got the memo
society sent that I was not supposed to love myself or think I’m
beautiful because I have brown skin and black hair (and every day I wake
up, I still haven't gotten it!). My name, Oluseyi (Olu meaning God),
means “God did this.” My mother always put it this way: “God did this,
and you are fearfully and wonderfully made!” In our culture we have an
epic identity crisis, but there’s a verse for that! The
whole Psalm 139 also
is awesome - it got me through law school, and I call it “God’s hug to
me." Until recently, it was on my license plate (I’m going to explain
why it’s not now shortly). I have the whole chapter memorized, and I
recite it whenever I need a hug from God! God loves us so much, knew us
even at our conception, and He’s still with us now – He’s everywhere!
That should give us joy no matter what the circumstance!
2. Psalm 119:9-11 / Joshua 1:8-9
Okay, so now we are talking the story of my life. These are among the
top verses that my parents instilled in me. I do not know anyone who
loves God’s Word more than my dad. He told me and my siblings that “The
Word” would keep us throughout life if we only mediate on it, hide it in
our hearts and seek God with all our hearts. My mother also emphasized
that following God’s Word would keep us out of trouble. She said over
and over again: “If you’re obedient, your life will go well...”
in Deuteronomy,
God gave the Israelites a choice: they could choose blessings – i.e.,
life, by their obedience - or curses, by their disobedience, and He
urged them to choose life. What my mom - and the verses – don’t mean is
that that life will be problem or trouble free – but that if we are
obedient, living the life that God has for us, we will experience God's
success – which may not look like the world’s, but will be the best
because it is what we were made for. She also didn’t meant that we would
be sin free, because we all sin. But when we seek Him and follow His
Word daily, we don’t get stuck in our sin. We also
experience the forgiveness and fellowship that comes when we confess our sins. All in all, as we continue walking with Jesus, we become more like Him!
I thank God that, thus far, my testimony has been about choosing life.
While God’s blessings for me have involved some earthly success – and I
am thankful for that – the best success still, and always will be, the
spiritual blessings.
Material blessings can come from God, but they don’t get you through
life’s challenges. When I’m having a rough day, looking around my closet
doesn’t give me supernatural peace, but His presence does. That’s the
Joshua 1:9 promise that I can cling to no matter where I am.
I still have to make the choice every day to choose life – and I pray
that I always make that choice. And I can know that as I seek Him with
all my heart, He will be with me wherever I go, and I will have the
strength to courageously face life’s challenges. And I pray that for the
whole Body of Christ. Amen!
1. John 10:10
This one also is courtesy of my dad. Growing up, he said it often (as a
hopefully humorous aside, when I mentioned to him at Thanksgiving that I
was reflecting on my top ten(ish) verses, he queried why
2 Timothy 4:7-8
was not on the list. Growing up he probably referenced those verses
with me and my brothers more than any other passage aside from
Psalm 1.
He first had us memorize it in the KJV, before the complete NIV took
off, and reciting it is still the only time I use the word “henceforth.”
Anyway, I told my dad that, while I do like that verse, he will have to
do his own top ten for that to make it, lol). John 10:10 is so big for
me right now that when I got a notice saying it was time to renew my car
registration and that I had the chance to change my plates, I knew I
had to swap Psalm 139 for John 10:10.
If you would have asked me a couple years ago, I don’t even know if John
10:10 would have made the top ten. But as it was written on my heart,
God, through His living and powerful Word, could make it come to life
right when I needed it. A couple years ago, I particularly needed it
(and still do – that’s why it’s currently my life verse!). I found
myself spending too much time not living in the moment – where God had
placed me right then. I was thinking too much about what I wanted things
to be but not how they actually were. With John 10:10, God basically
gave me the message that “I sent my Son to die for you to have eternal
life, and if you’re not living life abundantly right now, that’s your
fault!” (and it wasn’t in a haha, condescending tone, but a call to
action!). Even those of us who are believers often spend so much time
chasing pursuits that God never wanted us to. We’re often saying “when I
get ‘x,’ then I’ll be ‘y’,” or “if I had what ‘x’ has, then I’d be
satisfied.” Yet God has a purpose for each of us that He wants lived out
daily, in all that we do. And not only that, it’s the best life that we
can ever have. The verse reminds me that fulfillment is always in
Christ, and anything else that the enemy or anyone else can make look
appealing never will be, because it’s not what I was made for. I was
made to live the life my Creator purposed for me, and that is the only
way I will ever truly be fulfilled.
The other side of John 10:10 for me is the reminder that there's an
entire world that needs Jesus, and I have to share Him! There are so
many people who are looking for fulfillment through worldly things but
don’t even know that what they really want is Him. When we as Christians
are so wrapped up in earthly pursuits, we miss that we have all been
given the mission or “
of reconciliation, telling people about Jesus Christ. It also should be
evident from our lives. If you know Jesus and aren’t living abundantly
through Him, that’s your fault!
Final Thoughts
We are so blessed to have the treasure that is God’s Word. If you read
my blog, you know I quote Romans 15:4 very often (technically it could
have made the list, but since it’s a verse that summarizes why God gave
us His Word, it makes a good theme that I can sneak in without having to
use up another spot on the list, lol). I stay quoting it four versions
For everything that was written in the past was written to
teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the
encouragement they provide we might have hope. (NIV)
For whatever things were written before were written for our learning,
that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have
hope. (NKJV)
For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our
instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the
Scriptures we might have hope. (NASB)
Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the
Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for
God’s promises to be fulfilled. (NLT)
Amen! For followers of Christ, the Word of God is really all we need,
yet we often take it for granted. It’s also how God reveals Himself to
the whole world.
What are your favs? I’d love to hear!